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New Life Church Presents

The Power of

A part of New Life’s vision is to build a transformed South DeKalb community that becomes an Oasis of Hope where every resident has an equal opportunity for spiritual, economic, and personal prosperity.  DREAM is the first step on the path that gets us to that community.

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Developing a New Community

There was nothing unique or special about the Old Testament builder, Nehemiah. He was a court servant of the King of Persia – a cupbearer. He did not have any significant resources, nor did he have a background in building. But, he did have an abiding love for God and His people – and a DREAM. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of an entire dilapidated city, which became the greatest city in the near Middle East, the city of Jerusalem. In this same spirit, we also have a DREAM for our community.

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Re-Imagining the Power of Giving

In the story of Israel under the leadership of Moses, there is one particular scene that stands out.  It is the day that the people gave too much.  The miracle is not in what they gave. The miracle is in who it was that was giving it.  These were former slaves and bondmen, who were now nomads and vagabonds traveling in a wilderness without a home.  Yet, out of their meager ability, each family brought the gifts that they had.  It was so abundant that Moses had to ask them to stop bringing gifts because they had more than enough to build the Tabernacle of God.  The true power of giving is not in the amount; it is in the unity of the people humbly and obediently giving to a cause that God has called them to.

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Expanding Our Online Ministry

The Apostle Paul was called to embark on a campaign of spreading the Gospel of Christ beyond the boundaries of the Jerusalem church.

This meant taking the gospel to the Gentiles and those who were considered outside of the covenant family of Israel.  Paul accomplished this by stretching the boundaries of the local church.  He expanded the reach of the gospel using the most advanced travel technology of his day – cross-seas navigation.  The technology of navigating the open seas had existed for years in commerce but had never been used to propel ministry.  Most prophets remained local and traveled only by land, but the Apostle Paul maximized technology for the Kingdom’s causes and ventured out into the open seas.  This is what online and streaming technology has enabled our church to do.  We are able to carry the Gospel, like the Apostle Paul, to more places than we ever could before, but only with the simple use of a camera.

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Why Expansion Matters

Expansion matters because people matter. Currently, we have members who are a part of our church family who live in various parts of the US and even in other countries like Colombia, South America, and Italy.  We expand into venues and markets outside the confines of our church, because there are people there who are in need of ministry.

We have seen encouraging growth in our ministry through the online offerings that are made each Sunday.  Currently, we are only marginally able to incorporate weekly ministry activities, discipleship classes, and other events as a part of our total ministry outreach to those who are a part of our online family.  Expanding our internet presence, will enable us to reach more people, in more places, for the Kingdom and cause of God.

Activating a
Dynamic Youth

It seemed like a daunting task and an impossible weight to place on the shoulders of the new young King Solomon.

He was only a young boy, and he was now tasked with carrying the weight of his father David’s kingdom.  However, God invested in Solomon, gave him wisdom beyond his age, and he carried Israel into a future that was unmatched for centuries afterward.  This is what can happen when we invest in our children.  They are the ones who will create the future that we are currently praying for.

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What Investments are we making for our Children

Our youth investments will be dedicated to three (3) major areas


Childhood Education


Local School and Church Partnerships


Creating Innovative & Modern Environments

Each of these investments will add value – not only to the youth of New Life – but to the Youth of our community and beyond.  We are looking to capture the attention and the imagination of our children by investing in their education, their spiritual environments, and their academic pursuits.  Our giving will help prepare them to lead us into the future, not only by enhancing them spiritually but academically and socially as well.

Modernizing Ministry

The entire Bible is one continuous development of God’s unending love story with humanity.  As time passes, the message of the Bible evolves and God’s interactions with people progress. The miracle of the Bible is that despite His unchanging nature, God’s methods are constantly progressing. His works in the Old Testament are not the same as in the New.  In Isaiah 43:19, the writer speaks concerning God’s methods, “See, I am doing a new thing”!! To be clear, the “truth” of the message is not ‘out of date,’ but the method of its delivery is.  This is the vision of this DREAM campaign.  We believe that God is doing a “new thing”.  We believe that God is calling us to harness the collective strength of technology and ingenuity to speak timeless truths in new and impactful ways to accomplish the same purposes God has always had – winning souls to Christ.

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Modernizing Ministry

We intend to do this by modernizing our church’s ministries, programs, and operations to provide a comprehensive discipleship experience for all who are connected to our ministry online and in-person.  We seek to invest financially into modernizing ministry in three significant ways:

The 5 Giving Levels for New Life Church's DREAM

Dream Climbers

$20 – $50 additional per week, totaling $1,560 above and beyond normal giving for the Year.

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Dream Cruisers

$50 – $100 additional per week, totaling $3,120 above and beyond normal giving for the Year.

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Dream Creators

$100 or more per week, totaling $5,200 above and beyond normal giving for the Year.

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Dream Beyond

Living “Beyond the DREAM”

$10,000 or more annual gift, above and beyond normal giving

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Dream Carriers

Custom and/or One-Time Gift.

  • ____ per Week
  • ____ per Month
  • ____ per Year
  • ____ One-time Gift
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Be a part of New Life Church's 2023 initiative and share hope.

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